Trainers (leisure footwear)
The clubs dress code policy regarding “no trainers” on Saturday evenings has been in effect for some years now but has now been extended to Friday Evenings. To help clarify the situation please note: what we are looking for is smart, dress shoes. It does not matter if your footwear is from ASDA or Prada, cost four figures, are brand new, look really smart or you have come from miles away, you will NOT gain entry if they are, or can be interpreted as trainers/leisure footwear. You can if you wish remove the footwear to entre the club, but this will be your decision. Floors may become dirty and wet as your time in the club progresses and being in socks or barefoot may not be ideal.
Join The Attic Experience now on Spicy Match. Another platform for you wonderful swingers to interact and meet.
The club will be quite prominent on this platform as we feel they are offering a service different to others out there we think you’ll quite like. Give it a go (it’s free for most) and watch out for more from The Attic and Spicy Match.