Welcome to The Attic Experience, a swingers club run by swingers for swingers, owned by Ron Rothwell. Whether you are a nervous newbie (to clubs, this club, or the scene/lifestyle), an experienced veteran or somewhere in between, we are always striving to provide, a fun, relaxed, friendly, non-judgemental, non-pushy and a safe environment for you to socialise with like-minded adults, whatever your sexual orientation maybe. To avoid confusion we’d like to stress that this is not a night club, a strip club and it most certainly is not a brothel, you cannot and should not pay for sex in the club, and your entry fee does NOT guarantee sex. Everyone over the age of 21 is welcome and when the mood and vibe feels right we have plenty for you to do. There are areas to indulge yourselves in, including the Attic Cinema, the latest Hollywood blockbuster you won’t see, but perhaps the plumber will finally fix that leaking sink. In the coming weeks/months more and more will be added, watch this space. Finally the club requires NO membership, also currently the club does not have card machine's so its cash only at all times.

The Attic Experience

Schools Out Party Night

Saturday 27th July

7pm till 2am

Single male entry between 8pm and 11pm

Everyone else last entry is 12am

Single Females £15, Couples £20, TV’s £20, Single males £35

Carrington House, Ascot Drive, Allenton, Derby DE24 8ST

Kink At The Attic

Kink Meets Swing

Friday 1st September

!!Schools Out Party!! Saturday 29th July

Our party nights are themed, dressing for the theme is not mandatory but it’s always fun to get involved. If you decide NOT to dress for the theme of the night you MUST adhere to the Saturday night dress code

Night-time 7pm till 2am ish(last entry for couples & single ladies 12pm, single males 11pm)

Entry Price : Single Female £10, Couples £15, TV’s £15, Single males £30 (No entry till 8pm for single males and entry is not guaranteed)